溫州企鵝制冷系列-冷庫 |
詳細信息 | ||
企鵝制冷科技有限公司是一家專業設計、施工、維護的冷庫項目的制冷工程公司,企鵝制冷專業化的冷庫和工藝性如大型的物流冷庫、土建冷庫、低溫冷庫,速凍裝置,氣調保鮮,真空預冷,恒溫恒濕等等制冷系統的承建公司,多年來的精益求精和熱忱服務在廣大的客戶和同行中建立了良好的聲譽。多年的不懈努力和歷練,使企鵝擁有一批有豐富經驗的專業制冷、電氣、機械設計工程師,建造師等技術人員,項目管理人員和專業技術工人。可根據客戶的要求提供制冷項目的設計咨詢,并承擔冷庫和工藝性制冷系統的交鑰匙工程。 冷庫建造須知:Cold storage building guidelines 您要做冷庫的大小尺寸也就是它的長寬高,您要做冷庫的溫度,您要放多少噸位貨物,有沒有三相電,要求什么時候做好,總造價預算多少錢。您只要了解了這些知識將會給您方便很多。要做到心中有數。一般中小型冷庫一個星期內就交付使用。大庫、加急庫面議。 Penguin refrigeration technology co., LTD is a professional design, construction and maintenance of cold storage refrigeration engineering company of the project, the penguin refrigeration professional logistics cold storage refrigerator and manufacturability such as large, civil cold storage, low temperature cold storage, frozen equipment, modified atmosphere and vacuum precooling, constant temperature and humidity, and so on refrigeration system construction company, over the years of excellence and enthusiasm services in the vast number of customers and has established good reputation in the peer.Years of unremitting efforts and experience, make the penguin has a group of experienced professional refrigeration, electrical and mechanical engineers design, construction and other technical personnel, project management and professional and technical workers.According to the customer's required to provide refrigeration project design and consulting, and technology for cold storage and refrigeration system of turnkey project.
Cold storage building guidelines: |